
Quoted from a previous post on this list:

>  \version "2.13.45"
> #(define sequence-number 0)
> #(define-markup-command (score-sequence layout props sequence-number)
> (number?)
>  (interpret-markup layout props
>    (markup #:bold #:huge (number->string sequence-number)#:fontsize 6

Is there a way to use this function when i compile with lilypond-book?
I use 12.13.45
Currently I have an
\include "rendering-order.ly"
in my separate files of the Chorales by Bach
        \new PianoStaff <<
        #(set! sequence-number (1+ sequence-number))
        \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = \markup { \score-sequence
#sequence-number }

but each choral is written with the number 1. (only with lilypond-book)
I have the intuition of the explanation but if someone has a solution
you're welcome.
By the way I have slightly and clumsily tweaked this function but the
dot after the digit seems to be a bit far away, I think.
Any help will be much appreciated.

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