Neil Puttock <> writes:

> On 2 January 2011 19:18, David Kastrup <> wrote:
>> I don't see anything in the notation manual that would tell me why.
> The circles don't change the baselines of the text, hence why you get
> uneven alignment.  \general-align #Y #DOWN simply shifts the baseline
> to the bottom of each circle.
> Perhaps we should add vertical analogues of \left-align and
> \right-align instead of relying on \general-align; this might reduce
> the confusion (though I'm not sure what we'd call them.)
>> Care to put it there?
> What's wrong with the example in the markup docs?

Nothing whatsoever that would suggest what this does in the circle case
(or any case at all).  How it would apply there.  When to use it.

An example is not a substitute for any kind of explanation.  Don't get
me wrong: it is nice that there is an example.  But that's not a
substitute for an explanation or a rationale.

The entire documentation apart from the rather cryptic example is

\general-align axis (integer) dir (number) arg (markup)

    Align arg in axis direction to the dir side. 

That's all.  It does not explain what it means to align to some side in
some axis direction.  What parts will be aligned.  How the elements will
be stacked.  And so on.

David Kastrup

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