Congratulations and thank you very much! :-)
The first "desired" output would be nice, but in that case one has to use line 
by line input of the lyrics. I think thats OK for church songs like this one.
But there are many cases, where I just want a justified markup of the lyrics.

Best regards,

Am 20.01.2011 um 09:20 schrieb jakob lund:

> That's a good point.. After experimenting a bit I think that replacing
> make-line-markup with make-justify-markup in the macro definition (the
> define-markup-command part) does what you want.
> However, I am guessing that the desired output is actually
>  Tochter Zion, freue dich,
>  jauchze laut, Jerusalem.
>  Sieh, dein König kommt zu dir,
>  ja, er kommt, der Friedefürst.
>  Tochter Zion, freue dich,
>  jauchze laut, Jerusalem.
> rather than
>  Tochter Zion, freue dich, jauchze laut, Jerusalem. Sieh, dein König
> kommt zu dir, ja, er kommt, der Friedefürst. Tochter Zion, freue dich,
> jauchze laut, Jerusalem.
> where the line breaking depends on column width, font size etc.? I
> can't think of way to control the line breaks, except to enter each
> line individually, like
> strIa = \lyricmode { Toch -- ter Zi -- on, freu -- e dich, }
> strIb = \lyricmode {  jauch -- ze laut, Je -- ru -- sa -- lem.}
> strIc = \lyricmode { Sieh, __ dein Kö -- nig kommt zu dir, }
> strId = \lyricmode {  ja, __ er kommt, der Frie -- de -- fürst. }
> .. etc, and then eventually
> \markup \column { \verse #strIa \verse #strIb \verse #strIc \verse #strId }
> Regards
> -- Jakob.

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