On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:24 PM, Jürgen Ibelgaufts wrote:

> Hello, thanks for jumping in.
> Devnull was new to me. I tried, and the notes are invisible, leaving no gap.
> Very fine so far. But every single syllable leads to a warning "lyric
> syllable does not have note" and the lyrics still are out of sync. Some
> syllables even get completely lost. Either ties are ignored or maybe every
> syllable is simply regarded as a quarter note which is quite useless.
> In section "Lyrics independent of notes" the docs say "Connecting lyrics to
> a Devnull context makes the voice/lyrics links to get lost". well, that's
> what happens. The connection also gets lost when I make the notes invisible
> by removing the engravers, especially the note-head engraver.
> So I think I will have to play around with transparency and try to eliminate
> the gap that is left by the transparent notes.
> Jürgen

It sounds like you're using the 2.12 documentation. The 2.13 documentation has 
a much more elegant solution, which should work, albeit, you'll likely have to 
re-format how your lyrics are entered. See the sectio on manual syllable 
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