Hello list, hello MusFelix,

You wrote:
> Thanks.  But that only works when the articulation is on the notehead side,
> not when it is on the bar side.  See this:
> \version "2.13.51"
> \include "english.ly"
> \relative c'
> {
>       \override Slur #'details #'steeper-slope-factor = #0
>       \override Slur #'details #'non-horizontal-penalty = #0.0
> [ ... ]

Perhaps this is a polyphonic problem?

With \version "2.12.2" I get Your wanted result with

        \override Staff.Slur #'details #'steeper-slope-factor = #0
        \override Staff.Slur #'details #'non-horizontal-penalty = #0.0
        \override Score.Slur #'details #'steeper-slope-factor = #0
        \override Score.Slur #'details #'non-horizontal-penalty = #0.0

instead of

        \override Slur #'details #'steeper-slope-factor = #0
        \override Slur #'details #'non-horizontal-penalty = #0.0

Best Regards           Roland

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