On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 03:50:37PM -0500, Michael Ellis wrote:
> I've been thinking for a while about broaching the subject of
> LilyPond's midi output on this forum -- I feel  that this is one area
> where Lily is rather behind the curve compared to her commercial
> sisters. I wonder if some of your work could be applicable to helping
> LilyPond generate sound that's as beautiful as the sheet music.

Unfortunately, Vivi isn't applicable to lilypond directly --
redistributing all the audio feature extraction and machine
learning code would be a monumental task, as well as probably
quadrupling the download size.  The kind of audio performance by
Vivi is not at all related to MIDI.

A first place to look at improving the MIDI output would be
integrating Dr. Peter Chubb's work on articulate.ly:

- Graham

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