James Lowe schrieb:
> If you wanted to override the font on a 'TextSpanner' you can use something
> like
> \override TextSpanner #'(font-name) = "Baskerville"
> So you can use the same method to choose a font for chord markups.

Thanks for your reply!

I already assumed that it works that way. But what do I have to insert for 
“TextSpanner”, if I want to change the font for chord markups? … or for the 
lyrics or the header?

For example “Score.ChordNames” doesn’t exist or at least doesn’t bear the font 
properties for the chord markup.

> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/notation/fonts#entire-document-
> fonts
> Where you can set the entire document so that \sans or anything that uses
> 'sans' as its value will use whatever font you need to use.

I read that before. I don’t want to change the generic aliases, but I want to 
choose them for objects where I don’t know how to do it.

Hannes Kuhnert

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