On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 04:24:44PM +0000, James Lowe wrote:
> Hmm...on my rural internet connection this may be an issue, however I
> assume I can download this stuff (say to a usb stick) and then use good
> old fashioned 'sneaker' net method to get the binaries on. I ask this in
> case Apple require you to 'download it to the machine' than provide
> separate binaries?

Sneakernet would be fine.  Also note that the developer tools are
included in a directory of the installation DVD, or on a separate
installation DVD, or something.  So you probably don't need to
download anything at all.

> 'sudo port install [XYZ]' is that the same as doing a get-apt (I.e I need
> an internet connection for those commands or is that installing from the
> Xcode stuff I would have downloaded and copied over)?

It's totally separate from Xcode.  Generally, "sudo port install"
requires an internet connection, but there's some way of using
sneakernet for this, too.

But... I really don't advise that you get involved in this stuff,
especially if you have limited internet connectivity.  I'm
imagining 15-20 hours of work, for fairly minor personal gain, and
almost no project gain.

If you have a fast computer and fat internet pipe (such as a
computer at a university), then by all means go ahead and fool
around for fun.  But I'm feeling terrible imagining a well-meaning
helpful person spending hours shuffling files back and forth (it
might take a dozen trips to get all the macports up and running!),
just to end up with something that works _almost_ as well as
lilydev.  It's just not worth it.

- Graham

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