-Eluze <elu...@gmail.com> writes:

>> <<
>> \relative c'' {
>> \key f \major
>>    | c1 | r4 d d d | 
>> }
>> \addlyrics {
>>   | free. | And all at | 
>> }
> i don't think you need barchecks in the lyrics since the association
> will happen automagically with \addlyrics

Huh?  You _never_ "need" a barcheck since the association with time,
score, voices etc _always_ happens automagically.

Aren't you missing the whole point of barchecks?  The idea is to have a
check for the music still being synchronized with the measures, in order
to be able to figure out where one forget or added a beat accidentally
without having to read the whole output score.

That is particularly important when using \addlyrics (I get the lyrics
timing wrong much more often at first try than I get the note timing

> - \addlyrics will also recognize rests which you do not have to code
> in your lyric voice!
> if you really want to insert manual durations with lyrics you probably
> should use an explicit lyric voice, e.g.:

What makes you think he wants "to insert manual durations"?  He does
_not_, I repeat _not_ insert any manual duration in his example.  Which
illustrates a very good point.

\addlyrics should really _store_ all the barchecks, and "execute" them
_after_ associating the lyrics with a voice, once the timing is

I am surprised that it doesn't, and would count that as a bug.

David Kastrup

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