Thank you for the replies, but they don't really answer the question.
I'm aware that I could give up (your first suggestion), but I'd rather
not. And \laissezVibrer is too limited. It only works for the first
half of a broken tie, not the second half, and it doesn't work at all
for slurs or lyrics. And even the first-half-ties that it produces
don't look right; I imagine this could be tweaked, but I want LilyPond
to do the right thing automatically without tweaking. That's what it's
best at, usually.

Am I correct in interpreting the lack of other replies in the last two
days as meaning that this can't currently be done in LilyPond (without
extensive tweaking)? I think it is the sort of thing that ought to be
doable, given LilyPond's support for all kinds of crazy stuff that
almost nobody cares about, such as feathered beams. Should I try
posting on lilypond-devel?

Also, I wonder if anyone can help me to implement the solution I was
originally going to try. I don't understand LilyPond's rendering
pipeline well enough to know how/whether I can delete extra systems
after slur and lyric positions are determined but before the systems
are allocated space on the page.

-- Ben

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