
)-----Original Message-----
)From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org
)[mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org] On
)Behalf Of madMuze
)Sent: 27 March 2011 23:21
)To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
)Subject: Re: timing false in one staff only? [no longer with picture, just
)mental flailing]
)>I used to do this kind of thing with NoteWriter - remember that?
)no, but I do remember being able to size a region manually in SCORE; we
)give up some flexibility for this elegant spacing system.
)Just had a quick thought and then must rush out:
)Could the analysis noteheads be set in a markup (either as the whole
)staff, or more likely, using the notehead glyphs from the Feta font (using
)\raise, \lower, etc. and a space between each))? Then, that markup could
)be \fill-line'd in a box with invisible borders, and the box positioned on the
)staff (extra-offset is probably easiest, with the markup attached to "s4*0"
)or something) and its width adjusted to suit the music.

Actually I've done that myself, not necessarily for the kind of music you have 
but using a markup is a nice way of doing things and not as 'high maintenance' 
as you'd think.

I took a stage further and made the staff/notes/cleff etc I was attaching it to 
have its engravers removed or transparent, which left the \score 'markups' 
hanging as it were, in space but it suited my needs. As I don't 'scheme' it 
means I can maintain this or modify it to suit my needs even if it does 
'slightly complicate the construction.

The only thing to remember (and I have never understood why but was told to and 
it works) is that you must have a \layout {} even if that construct is 'empty' 
within your \score that you are creating your markup from.


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