When a tie is broken across staves, the second part of the tie defaults to starting right at the key signature. How can I move it slightly away? Setting extra-spacing-width for the KeySignature moves the first note further away but doesn't move the starting point of the broken tie. I also played around with the various space-alist values for KeySignature without being able to move the tie. When I look at commercial scores I have, there is usually about one staff unit space between the key signature and broken tie in this situation

version "2.13.58"

notes = \relative c'' {
c1 ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c ~ c

\score {
    \new Staff {
        \key g \major
    \layout {
        \context {
                \override KeySignature #'extra-spacing-width = #'(0 . 4)


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