I think theres place enough for icking, mutopia and imslp. The nice
with mutopia is that you get 100% the source for the music you search,
so you can rearrange pages turns and much more. Love it,

2011/4/9, Victor Eijkhout <vic...@eijkhout.net>:
> (sorry for breaking the thread. is there an easy way to follow up to a
> message in the digest?)
>>> > Is this project dead?
>>> Sadly yes it is, in practice.
> I hope everyone knows about the Werner Icking Music Archive?
> http://icking-music-archive.org/index.php
> Public domain, pdf files, and the maintainer encourages contributors to
> include source (and sound or at least midi) files. Most of my music
> <http://icking-music-archive.org/ByComposer/Eijkhout.php> has lilypond (or
> occasionally sibelius) source files. This site is very much alive, with
> several contributions per day.
> The maintainer of this archive is getting on in age and has health concerns,
> so there is a discussion going on about the future of the site. Maybe
> disapointed mutopia enthousiasts can play a role here?
> Victor

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