Wow, as usual I'm totally delighted with the range and richness of responses to my query. Many things to try and to investigate. Not all of them will take me to my goal as easily as I'd like, but all sound worth following up on. I've very grateful to you all. Thank you very much.

I was afraid there was an easy answer which further study of Lilypond would reveal, and that my question would therefore be annoying (as in "why doesn't he just read the bloody documentation?!"). Actually I did, for quite a while last night, and was equal parts fascinated and befuddled, even though I've engrave close to 30 original compositions with Lilypond.

As it turns out, this transposition problem's not all that easy, and there are multiple ways to approach the problem. Wonderful. I expect that after a little more study and experimentation, I'll never again be as challenged by transposition as I am at this moment.

As for Denemo, I've been wanting for a while to check in to this, although I'm not about to abandon text Lilypond scripting, which I've grown to love as a kind of special magic! But for this problem, the solution you suggest sound really great. I'll jump to it this evening!


On 04/13/2011 09:00 AM, Nils Hammerfest wrote:
You can use Denemo for this. Choose the clefs the original has, insert the 
notes just as if they were dots on lines and in the end change the clef to what 
you want.


On 04/13/2011 00:15 AM, Tom Cloyd wrote:
I want to arrange a Bach chorale for guitar. My score for the chorale is
a nightmare. I can barely read bass clef, and can do that in my mind,
but the scores for soprano, alto, and tenor all use C-clefs, and in a
way that each score must be read in a unique way. I've never before seen
a score like this. The notes fit nicely on the staff, but I cannot read
them without a lot of mental gymnastics.
I’m afraid there’s not much for it except to learn to read them (these
are probably tenor and alto clefs).  As others have pointed out, a
simple transposition is going to produce weird effects.  And speaking as
a trombone player who had to learn tenor clef to play orchestral stuff,
you actually do get used to it fairly quickly.  If it’s giving you
trouble, use a paper copy with the line-notes penciled in (e.g., D F A C
E for tenor clef) at the start of the line.

I find that I mostly think in relative terms when reading tenor; e.g.,
the first note is a C, then there’s a third so it’s an E, etc.

You could also try using some math as you go along: in the tenor clef,
every note is one “notch” high relative to the treble clef, so a note on
the 4th line should be moved down one to the 3rd space, which is a
treble C.  (You’ll be an octave off, but that is a much easier problem
to solve.)  For the alto clef, move the note up a notch for the treble
note value.

- --
Chris Maden, text nerd<URL:>
“Those in power write the history, while those who suffer
  write the songs.” — Frank Harte
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