On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:53:36AM -0600, Tom Cloyd wrote:
>    I seem to have made a discovery which I don't see covered in either
>    Lilypond's Notation Reference or the documentation for the articulate
>    script at its homepage.
>    However, this can be fixed easily. With my method, I am getting the midi
>    output to employ articulate.ly's magic,

Yes, having two \score blocks is the proper way to use articulate.
This was discussed when the script was first mentioned, but so far
nobody's sent a patch for the documentation which adds this.
Maybe you'll be the first?

If you don't want to bother with a full documentation patch, then
adding it to LSR and tagging it with "docs" is the most effective
trade-off for "helping others" vs. "amount of time spent".

- Graham

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