> > As you can see on this snippet the length of stems of sextuplets is too
> > short. The length of the stems extend for 32th but not for the 8th notes.
> > Is there anything i should do or is there something wrong is the default
> > values?
> > 
> > 
> > %% the sextuplets look compressed. The stems are too short.
> > \version "2.13.60"
> > \language "english"
> > \paper{ ragged-right=##t }
> > 
> > \relative g' {
> >     \key a \major
> >     \times 2/3 {e'8 gs a}  \times 2/3 {b a gs}
> >     \times 4/6 {e16 gs a b a gs}
> >     \times 4/12 {e32 gs a b a gs   e32 gs a b a gs}
> > }
> > 
> Is that normal behavior or a bug?

See http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=681
If you use \override Stem #'(details beamed-lengths) = #'(3 4 5)
the 8th notes remain unchanged, the 16th will be extended, and the 32th even 

Toine Schreurs

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