Dear Janek,
Thanks for the reply. Please see comments, below.

2011/4/18 Janek Warchoł <>

> Dear Bruce,
> 2011/4/16 bruys . <>:
> > I've read this thread. It seems to be mainly concerned with making the
> > brackets extend to the full duration of the notes, like it is shown in
> the
> > snippets, but that is not what I want to do here. I've added a couple of
> > '\overrides' ('shorten-pair' was mentioned in the thread) which achieve
> the
> > desired outcome (see below), but the solution seems terribly fragile. A
> > different manual '\override' will need to be put in place for each
> different
> > tuplet.
> >
> > It is not clear what units 'shorten-pair' uses (I just used trial and
> > error);
> I'd guess it uses staffspaces (the distance between staff lines), it's
> a commonly used Lily unit.
> > or why putting a value of 0.0 in the first position actually
> > shortens the bracket on the left-hand end.
> Very often 0.0 isn't the default value. Here 0.0 means flush with the
> stem (i suppose), see attached.

Ah yes, I think that is it. The line is centred on the stem, rather than the
inside edge of the line (as I was expecting).

> > Lilypond seems to be doing what I want for the upper bracket - how to
> make
> > it automatically do it for the other?
> If no property to control this is mentioned in the documentation, then
> probably you have to either write a cheme function doing this, or
> modify Lily code itself so this option would become available.
> Could you please write a feature request describing what you'd like
> LilyPond to do in detail (with examples from some published scores if
> possible) and send it to Hopefully someone would
> implement this, but i don't have any idea when.
> Or if you know some c++ go ahead and add it yourself! Contributor's
> Guide (
> tells you how to start. If you need any help, ask :)

Thanks for your suggestion, I'll send a feature request, which will be a new
experience. I don't have a scanner, so I'll just have to include some
Lilypond examples, and maybe a quote from Elaine Gould. I'd love to be able
to say I'd that I'd write some C++ code, but I'm a long way from being able
to do that now. I have only an extremely rudimentary grasp of what the
Scheme interface does. I'm guessing that it is possible to do it using a
Scheme function, but I'll need to devote some serious time to reading
through the Scheme source files.

You advised earlier that the clashing numerals is a bug that still exists. I
had some difficulty finding the bug reference, but it's covered by "Issue
509 <>: collision
nested tuplet numbers".

> cheers,
> Janek
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