Am 29.04.2011 18:51, schrieb Music Teacher:
Best Thanks.
I tried with repeat volta 2 also and this didnt work.
Now this is the point with last bar works fine.
Buuuut: why then repeat volta 3 ??? I want 2 times, not 3...
Oops, my mistake, I thought I read three stanzas, but
obviously, you need only \lyricsone and \lyricstwo.

\repeat volta 2 { ... }
should be ok in this case.



2011/4/29, Marc Hohl<>:
Am 29.04.2011 05:13, schrieb Music Teacher:
but doesnt work. Whats wrong?

voiceone = \relative c' { % \slurDotted
        r4 d8 d4 e8 fis4 e8 d4. d4 \breathe d8 d4 e8 fis4 g8 a4. a4 \breathe
a8 d4 cis8 d4 a8 b4 b8 a4 \breathe a8 a4 a8 g4 fis8 e4. d \bar "|:"
        d'4^\markup{Solo/Todos}^\markup{Al fin:} cis8 b4 a8 g4 fis8 e4 d8 e4.
d~d \bar ":|"
Why don't you use repeats? Bar checks would make the stuff more
readable, too.

voiceone = \relative c' { % \slurDotted
        r4 d8 | d4 e8 | fis4 e8 | d4. |
          d4 \breathe d8 | d4 e8 | fis4 g8 | a4. |
          a4 \breathe a8 | d4 cis8 | d4 a8 | b4 b8 |
          a4 \breathe a8 | a4 a8 | g4 fis8 | e4. | d |
         \repeat volta 3 { % no need for  \bar "|:"
          d'4^\markup{Solo/Todos}^\markup{Al fin:} cis8 | b4 a8 | g4 fis8 |
            e4 d8 | e4. | d ~ | d
         } % repeat section ends here, no \bar ":|" needed either

But your code works with the corrections below.
lyricsone = \lyricmode {
          \set stanza = #"2. " Cor -- de -- ro sin pe -- ca -- do
          que~a las o -- ve -- jas sal -- va,
          a Dios y a los cul -- pa -- bles
          u -- nió con nue -- va~a -- lian -- za.

lyricstwo = \lyricmode {
          \set stanza = #"7. " Pri -- mi -- cia de los muer -- tos,
          sa -- be -- mos por tu gra -- cia
          que es -- tás re -- su -- ci -- ta -- do;
          la muer -- te~en ti no man -- da.
          A -- mén, a -- mén, a -- mén. A -- le -- lu -- ya.

\score {
                \context Voice = voiceone {
                        \bar "|."
The line above is the culprit, it overrides the settings you have chosen
for \voiceone.
Just omit the \bar "|.".



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