Richard Sabey <richardsabey <at>> writes:

> How come LilyPond can't output the correct MIDI for 2 or more 
> simultaneous notes in a non-standard tuning?

I believe the stable version 2.12.3 works correctly in this area.

> Is LilyPond actually assigning the notes to the same channel despite my 
> efforts to get it to get MIDI to assign these notes to separate channels?
> If so, how do I get these notes assigned to separate channels, and would 
> that produce the correct pitches anyway?

There were significant recent changes to MIDI output, and the documentation 
has not caught up yet. (There is a reminder issue number 1591 on the buglist
so we don't forget.)

You correctly deduced one major change.  The CHANGES file
says to use
 \set Score.midiChannelMapping = #'staff
to regain control of MIDI channel assignments

> \version "2.13.55"

There were other MIDI bugs in this development version most of which appear 
to be fixed in version 2.13.61.

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