On 4/10/11, Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
> We have a problem.  The only full-time doc writer/editor isn't certain
> how breakbefore works, and I'm not certain that he completely
> understands the \book{} and \bookparts{} input file structure either.
> This has resulted in a much-needed rewrite for Notation 3 Spacing
> being delayed by literally months.  I'm not kidding.
> I know that tons of people here understand this stuff.  Could somebody
> volunteer to help our only full-time documentation writer learn this?

In case you think this is a trick question -- no, it's not.

Our only full-time documentation writer does not understand Learning
3.1 How LilyPond input files work.  But NOBODY has offered to help

Almost everybody on this list knows the answer.  Almost everybody on
this list has more lilypond knowledge than our main documentation
writer.  Almost everybody could have shown that they wanted to make
lilypond better by simply offering to reply to 2 or 3 emails.

Frankly, I'm tempted to tell him to abandon lilypond.  I'm certainly
astonished that he's still sending patches to us.

The remainder of this email is even more relevant than before.
- Graham

> A few quick emails, maybe with a few examples, can probably make all
> the difference.  You don't need to know texinfo, or git, or even
> lilypond-book.  Just basic lilypond knowledge.  Just making one or two
> .ly files.
> It's a crying shame that we've lost so much potential doc work.
> Longer-term, it would be really nice if the user community was better
> about supporting the doc team.  When somebody who's working on
> documentation asks a question, please consider responding -- and
> respond in more detail than you would normally tell a user.  Maybe we
> could even revamp the old "lilypond consultants" idea: whenever a doc
> writer is confused about something, they could have a few skilled
> lilypond users (and knowledgeable musicians) who would explain stuff
> to them, so that they could then write docs for it.
> Cheers,
> - Graham

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