On May 7, 2011, at 1:49 AM, Nick Payne wrote:

> A bar excerpted from the Mertz guitar transcription of Ständchen. When I last 
> worked on this score about ten months ago, using 2.13.27, I didn't have the 
> problem with the beam on the notes in the middle voice being placed below the 
> stem of the note in the lower voice - the beam was placed along the bottom 
> line of the stave - see 2.13.27.png, a screen shot from the PDF I made at the 
> time:
> \version "2.13.61"
> \relative c'' {
>    \time 3/4
> <<
>    { cis'2. }
>    \\
>    { a,,2. }
>    \\
>    { \stemDown a''8 e <a cis,> e <a cis,> e }
> >>
> }
> Nick

Hang tight - the current git has this problem fixed, and it'll be fixed in the 
next version of LilyPond available on the website.


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