Paul Scott <waterhorse <at>> writes: > If the > music is in score order it's easy to quote or cue a flute part in the > bassoon part but how can I quote or cue the bassoon part in the flute part? > You may use \cueDuring #"bassoon" in the flute part, even if it is defined *before* \addQuote "bassoon" \bassoon.
I'll suggest a change to the example in the manual : flute = \relative c'' { r2. c4 | d8 c d e fis2 \tag #'part { s1*0_\markup { \tiny "bassoon 8vb" } } \transposedCueDuring #"bassoon" #DOWN c'' { g2 d2 } } bassoon = \relative c { \clef bass R1 \tag #'part { \clef treble s1*0^\markup { \tiny "flute" } } \cueDuring #"flute" #UP { R1 } \tag #'part \clef bass g4. b8 d2 } \addQuote "flute" { \flute } \addQuote "bassoon" { \bassoon } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \flute \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bassoon" } \bassoon \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \removeWithTag #'part { \killCues { \flute } } \new Staff \removeWithTag #'part { \killCues { \bassoon } } %{%}>> _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list