Dear Andrea,

right now I have to develop heavliy on something else ... so this is just a 
short intermission and might not be the help you are asking for ...
this is just, what I did, typesetting a polymetric song of my beloved uncle, 
where I also got into trouble with page/line breaking:
% I declared a function for declaring 'count' measures of 'nom'/'den' timing
#(define-public taktdef (define-music-function (parser location nom den 
count)(integer? integer? integer?)
              (cons nom den)
              (ly:make-moment 1 den 0 1)
              (ly:make-moment nom den 0 1)
        (ly:make-duration (inexact->exact (/ (log den)(log 2))) 0 (* nom count) 

% then I declared a music-function to build one staff with one voice and one 
lyrice line (it is a choral piece)
dostaff = #(define-music-function (parser location name short global meta noten 
  (string? string? ly:music? ly:music? ly:music? ly:music?)
      \new Staff \with {
        instrumentName = $name
        shortInstrumentName = $short
      } <<
        \new Voice { $meta }
        \new Voice = $name { $global $noten } >>
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto $name { $vers } >>

% then I defined a meta, a notes and a lyrics var like this ... this doesn't 
global = {
% choral music!

sopmeta = {
% ...
  \taktdef #7 #4 #1
  << \taktdef #11 #8 #1 { s4 \mark \default s \tempo "etwas bewegter" \bar "" } 
  \taktdef #4 #4 #1
% ...
sopN = \relative c'' {
% ...
e | r4 r b4. b8 c! d! | b1. r4 |
% ...
sopT = \lyricmode {
a a a a
% ... alt,ten,bas
% and then I combined my parts like this
  \score {
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \dostaff #"Sopran" #"S" { \global } \sopmeta \sopN \sopT
      \dostaff #"Alt" #"A" { \global } \altmeta \altN \altT
      \dostaff #"Tenor" #"T" { \clef "G_8" \global } \tenmeta \tenN \tenT
      \dostaff #"Bass" #"B" { \clef "bass" \global } \basmeta \basN \basT >>


And this is a short test only with full measure rests:
It won't break, if you omit the empty bar lines. 

\version "2.12.3" 

\layout {
        #(layout-set-staff-size 12)
        ragged-right = ##t
        ragged-left = ##f
  \context {
    \remove "Timing_translator"
    \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"
        \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
  \context {
    \consists "Timing_translator"
    \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"
  \context {
        \remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"
        \override Beam #'breakable = ##t
%end of layout

\score {
        \new Staff <<
        { \time 11/8 }
        \repeat unfold 4 {
        R8*11 \break
        } >>
        \new Staff <<
        \time 13/8
        \repeat unfold 3 {
% if you omit this, no breaking will occur!
        \repeat unfold 4 {
        s8*11 \bar ""
        } >> >>

 As you can see in the first example, I used << \taktdef { s \bar "" s } >> for 
withinthemeasure breaks.


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