I think that v2.12.3 is the package in the ubuntu repository.
If so, you don't need to uninstall it, because it's installed in /usr/bin,
while the packages provided by lilypond.org are installed either
in your home or in /usr/local (if you install it as root).
There will be no conflict.

However, if you want to uninstall v2.12.3 you can use Synaptic or type in a
sudo apt-get remove lilypond

The error belows is weird. Enter in Downloads and type:
ls -l

You can try also the "graphical way".
Use the file manager to reach the directory, right click on the .sh file and
choose properties.
In the Permissions tab (or something like that) you must check Execution.
Close and clic normally on the file.
You'll see a window asking if you want to see the file or run it.
Tell him to run as a program and everything should work.

Unless the downloaded file is corrupted.
Post the ls -l command

2011/6/10 MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com>

> Thank you Helge Hafting, Janek Warchol, Federico Bruni for helping me to
> use terminal commands in ubuntu.
> I downloaded the right file - dir shows it.
> Now I copied the error - see below:
> <><><><><>
> tsang@tsang-HP-Pavilion-dv2000-EZ723UA-ABL:~$ dir
> acl          Downloads        Public    Test.pdf      yming.xhb~
> BOOKS          Dropbox        rosegarden    Test.ps       your-love.ly
> Calibre\ Library  examples.desktop  Templates    untitled.xhb
> Desktop          Music            Test.ly    Videos
> Documents      Pictures        Test.ly~    yming.xhb
> tsang@tsang-HP-Pavilion-dv2000-EZ723UA-ABL:~$ cd Downloads
> tsang@tsang-HP-Pavilion-dv2000-EZ723UA-ABL:~/Downloads$ dir
> 2011_summer_camp_headcount_May24.xlsx  libflashplayer.so
> gsview-4.9                   lilypond-2.13.61-1.linux-x86.sh
> gsview-4.9.tar.gz               lilypond-2.14.0-1.linux-x86.sh
> install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz   usr
> tsang@tsang-HP-Pavilion-dv2000-EZ723UA-ABL:~/Downloads$ sh
> lilypond-2.14.0-linux-x86.sh
> sh: Can't open lilypond-2.14.0-linux-x86.sh
> tsang@tsang-HP-Pavilion-dv2000-EZ723UA-ABL:~/Downloads$
> <><><><><> end of message
> Do I need to uninstall v2.12.3 lilypond?  How can I do it?
> Janek:  arpeggio midi sound is not produced on v2.12.3 either.
> ------------------------------
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