If I'm setting out a scale that goes over more than one stave, and use \remove "Bar_engraver" to remove the barlines, then the clef (and key signature if any) also disappear from the second stave. If I just make the barlines transparent, I still get an extra space where barlines are. Is it possible to use \remove "Bar_engraver" and retain the clef and key signature on the second and subsequent staves?

\version "2.14.0"

\language "english"

\paper {
    #(set-paper-size "a4")
    top-margin = 1\cm
    left-margin = 1\cm
    right-margin = 1\cm
    bottom-margin = 0.6\cm
    ragged-last-bottom = ##t

\score {
    \relative c {
        \key a \minor
        \clef "treble_8"
        \override Staff.OctavateEight #'X-offset = #0.6
<a-1>4^\markup { A minor } <b-3> <c-4> <d-1> <e-3> <fs-1> <gs-3> <a-4>
<b-1> <c-2> <d-4> <e-1> <fs-3> <gs-1> <a-1> <b-3> <c-4> <d-1> <fs-1>
<gs-3> <a-4> <g!-2> <f!-4> <e-3> <d-1> <c-4> <b-3> <a-1> <g!-3> <f!-1>
<e-3> <d-1> <c-4> <b-3> <a-1> <g!-4> <f!-2> <e-1> <d-4> <c-4> <b-3> <a-1>
    \layout {
        indent = 0\in
        ragged-right = ##f
        \context {
            \remove "Bar_engraver"

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