This is a problem I periodically come across many times: collision between 
chord names (note that this happens even with no false bass chords), may be 
when the melody is active. I have a small example, I have hard time finding a 
shorter one.
Should I fill this as a bug?

In the same vein: is there a way to set the padding between consecutive chord 


\include "english.ly"

\score {
           \new ChordNames {
                          \chordmode { g1:maj7 f2:13/g g4.:maj7 f2:13 e4.:m7 
c2.:m7/d b2:7.13- e1:m7 }
                        \new Staff {
                                g8 a b c' d'4 r8 ef' ~ | ef'8 d' c'8 d'8 ~ d'4 
r8 c' ~ | c'8 b a b r4 a4 ~ | \times 2/3 { a g fs }  g4 r4 | e4. b8 ~ b2 | 

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