On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 01:50:27PM +0200, m...@apollinemike.com wrote:
> If only it were that easy...
> I have also tweaked the rest engraver to do automatic rest grouping.
> For example, if in my file I have
> \time 4/4
> d4 r8. r8 r16 r8 r2 r4 r2
> What will be printed is
> d4 r4 r2 r1

That sounds like a job for a scheme music function.

> This is why the event needs to be rebroadcasted - it changes the rest to r1 
> in the engraver (not in the .ly file).
> I could, of course, implement a crude parser in python that combines my rests 
> into a new input file, but this would be doubleplusunfun.

It still really sounds like you should use a combination of

> Right now, I can make this work by deleting the multi-measure-rest engraver 
> and copying all the code to rest-engraver.  However, I'd like to keep the 
> changes as minimal as possible in hopes that the useful parts can remain 
> separable and become part of LilyPond.

Scheme would be good for that.  Also, that way somebody else could
compile your scores without needing to custom-patch the C++ in
their source code.  Granted, you're probably never going to want
anybody else in the world to compile this particular score... but
you never know.  What if those teenagers wanted to play with
stuff, and you gave them a short exerpt of this composition?  It
would be *way* easier if they could just download 2.14.1 and
compile the .ly in there, instead of trying to work with the
source code.

> My question still stands for anyone who has any idea if/how stream events can 
> be rerouted to other engravers.

Sure, but you should ask that on the -devel list, not the -user

- Graham

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