On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 7:06 AM, Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Again, many thanks to Reinhold for implementing the possibility to use
> custom dynamic text spanners with a POSTFIX syntax.
> I'm trying to adapt snippets "Dynamics custom text spanner postfix" and
> "Dynamics text spanner postfix"
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/snippets/expressive-marks
> but _without_ the dashed line ( 'style = 'none ).
> Unfortunately for now I have been unable to achieve it with a POSTFIX
> syntax only (please, I hate when I have to use many  \override  before
> the note PLUS a command after the note).
> I tried the following but it either gives an error, or simply does not
> work.
> myCustomCresc = -\tweak #'style #'none #(make-music 'CrescendoEvent
>                               'span-direction START
>                               'span-type 'text
>                               'span-text "cresc.")
> myCustomCrescII = #(make-music 'CrescendoEvent
>                               'style 'none    ; does not work
>                               'span-direction START
>                               'span-type 'text
>                               'span-text "cresc.")
> {
>  c1\myCustomCresc c\mf c\myCustomCrescII c\f
> }
> Ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!

I use this:

justDim = #(make-music 'DecrescendoEvent 'span-direction START
'span-type 'text 'span-text "dim." 'tweaks '((dash-period . -1)))
justCresc = #(make-music 'CrescendoEvent 'span-direction START
'span-type 'text 'span-text "cresc." 'tweaks '((dash-period . -1)))

Despite its advantages, I don't use the style none just yet because of
this issue: http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1259.


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