On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 7:25 PM, Jesse Engle <engle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can you post the text of your makefile so we can see what you've tried so 
>> far?
> PIECE=ritual
> INCDIR=include
> INCS=$(INCDIR)/defs.ly \
>     $(INCDIR)/three-stroke-ruff.ily \
>     $(INCDIR)/single-drag.ily
> $(PIECE).pdf: main.ly $(INCS)
>        lilypond $(OPTS) -o $(PIECE) $<; \
>        if test -f "$*.pdf"; then
>                mv "$*.pdf" build; \
>        fi
> This outputs the following:
> make: *** No rule to make target `include/defs.ly', needed by
> `ritual.pdf'.  Stop.
> I don't know whether or not to use the automatic variables defined by
> make, and I'm also unsure about using the VPATH variable... Also, do I
> need to specify the .midi target separately? Help! :) ...Jesse

Although I added the Makefile section to the docs, I'm not a Makefile
guru and I had a LOT of help from more experienced folks on this list.
It looks like there's no target defined in your makefile. Try adding
something like this:

  .PHONY: score
  score: $(PIECE).pdf

Then do the command "make score" and see what happens.

I'm also going to post a working Makefile of my own on pastebin for
you to peruse if you want:


Jonathan Kulp

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