Carl Sorensen <c_sorensen <at>> writes:

> On 6/29/11 5:36 PM, "Jay Lee" <jkllee <at>> wrote:
> > LilyPonders,
> <SNIP> 
> > I would like to be able to re-label the in-dot numbers to use 'b3' and 'b7'
> > instead of '3' and '7' for the flat-third and flat-seventh intervals
> > respectively, and to be able to use 'R' instead of '1' for the root.
> > 
> > I don't think it's possible but if so, how do I do it?
> > 
> It's quite easy.  Just use "R", "b3", and "b7" for the fingering in the
> verbose syntax.
> And if you want to used a lilypond flat symbol, you can do that as well.
> You'll need to make the fingering a lilypond markup.
> I guess we need to add something to the documentation indicating that the
> fingering in the verbose syntax can be a number, a string, or a lilypond
> markup.
> HTH,
> Carl

Oh! I just realised that when I tried it before I didn't use quote marks!

Do you have a snippet for using the flat symbol in the fingering markup? Or I'll
just experiment a bit and see what comes up.

Another question: What about open strings? Can I be the R b3 b7 type markup on
open strings? How?

Thanks so much,


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