On Jul 5, 2011, at 8:29 AM, Joey wrote:

> Just wondering if Lilypond can handle this type of situation;
> In Ferneyhough's etudes transcendentales,
> he employs meters such as 2/12 or 2/10,
> acting as literal subdivisions of the semi-breve.
> This of course translates to n-tuplets,
> but frees up the score (and mind) a 
> bit so that one can really focus on
> a clear nested tuplet formation/interpretation
> within the general overview of a tuplet-based meter 
> without a general increase in tempo (as one would get in compound 
> time if adhering to the same principle).
> I'm just curious if Lilypond would be able 
> to handle something along these lines.
> Basically I'm simply looking for the ability
> to notate "n/m" meter without much trouble.
> Thanks!

Hey Joey,

The easiest way would be to create an override for the time signature stencil:
\time 2/8
\once \override Score . TimeSignature #'stencil =
#(lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:override '(baseline-skip 
. 0) (#:center-column (#:number "2" #:number "10")))))
b8 b

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