2011/7/17 Jean-Alexis Montignies <j...@montignies.info>:
> Hi All!
> I have since I use lilypond some problems when printing. Bars (standard ones) 
> are of different thickness.
> It happens on my printer (Xerox 5400) but no on some others so I first 
> thought it was a printer problem.
> What makes me think it could be a problem with generated pdf is:
> - it only happens with bars.
> - it happens if I print with Preview.app (the display on the screen is 
> correct) but not with acrobat reader (the print is correct with acrobat 
> reader).
> - the bars looks exactly the same wether I choose print definition of 300dpi 
> or 600dpi.
> What do you think. How to check this? To dip into the generated postscript? 
> (I think I'm not expert enough in postscript to pin point problems, may be 
> some smoothing/rounding issue)

I have an idea where it comes from, but it's strange that it affects
only bars.  Are you sure that stems, for example, don't have this
It would be extremely helpful if you could send us a high resolution
scan of your print (or at least a high resolution photo).


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