On 08/08/11 12:20, ed stuckems wrote:

I'm trying to create images of lilypond output to be included in web
pages.  I've been able to do it but the process is extremely labour
intensive and I've got to believe there's a more efficient way.  Can
someone please comment on ways to improve my process or suggest a
different strategy?

See http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/usage/command_002dline-usage#command-line-options-for-lilypond

If your lilypond examples fit on one stave, then running

lilypond --png -dpreview -dno-print-pages file.ly

will generate file.preview.png, cropped to just that stave. If your examples are more than one stave, then remove the -dno-print-pages and -dpreview parameters and you will get one PNG image for each page of the score, which can be easily cropped with a graphics program.

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