harm6 wrote:
at least some of the suggestions should work!!

Make sure the lines to hide are really empty. Or, if you're using some other
context/voice (Lyrics , Dynamics etc.), try to comment these to locate the
problem. Some time ago I had a similiar one: a wrong rhythm in \new Dynamics
disturbed hiding of staves.


You're right -- there was an upbeat 16th at the end of that line.
(Maybe I've put off cataract surgery too long.)

Here's another quandry.  In a line of four 2/4 bars, I've got bars
2-3 appearing alone but still centered, by making bars 1 and 4
invisible and forcing a clef and key signature at bar 2.

Trouble is, of course, there is no *brace* at beginning of bar 2.
How can I force one there?   (I see no such force in the docs.)


P.S.  Alternatively to my invisible bar 1, can Lilypond's "short-
        indent" or "left-margin" be applied somehow "\once", to
        push bar 2 (now with its brace) in where I want it?

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