On 19/08/11 11:17, Jay Anderson wrote:
How do I get small caps for lyrics? Here's how I've attempted to
select small caps: "\override LyricText #'font-shape = #'caps". I've
tried a few different fonts without success: "Helvetica", "Georgia",

Have I just not found a font which supports small caps? Perhaps a more
basic question is which fonts support it and how can I check? Here's a
full example:

Works ok with a true small caps font. I have Trajan Pro (came with Adobe InDesign), and when I set that as the lyric font I get small caps:

\version "2.14.2"

    \new Staff \new Voice=z \relative c' {c4 c c c}
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto z \lyricmode
      \override LyricText #'font-name = "Trajan Pro"
      This is a test.

<<attachment: test.png>>

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