Am 30.08.2011 08:23, schrieb Marc Hohl:
Am 29.08.2011 18:52, schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer:
Am Montag, 29. August 2011, 18:07:17 schrieb Marc Hohl:
Hello list,

I think I have asked a similar question long time ago, but I didn't
find the answer.

Currently, I am working on a little scheme engraver which should read the
'string-number, if given, and should do some calculations, depending on
other articulations, like 'HarmonicEvent.
The articulations are a list, so you have to filter them to get the actual
string numbers.
Example attached,
Thank you, Neil, David and Reinhold, for your hints and examples!
Work like a charm!
Umm, well, not quite yet.

I noticed that

I can detect string numbers within < ... > only, so
< c\3 > is recognized, d\4 not, but I need to cover *both* cases.

So I looked at the output of \displayMusic { c\4 }:

  (list (make-music
          (list (make-music
                  (ly:make-duration 2 0 1 1)
                  (ly:make-pitch -1 0 0))

Ok, so \4 isn't an articulation (which is obvious, but I had overlooked it).
AFAIK, the string-number won't be accessible in this case, so I tried to
acknowledge the string-number-interface, too.

For sake of simplicity, I staggered two for-each loops and am now able to detect string-numbers with this approach (note: the displayed information is partly wrong due to the loop construct), but still I can't access the first two notes which aren't
surrounded by <...>. What am I doing wrong?

Even in the first approach sent by Reinhold, the information about the
note heads is displayed *twice* for each note head - why?





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\version "2.15.9"

#(define-public (test_engraver context)
  (let ((string-pitch-list '())
        (notes '())
        (stringnumbers '()))
  `(;; the list of acknowledgers
      (note-head-interface .
        ,(lambda (trans grob source)
           (set! notes (cons grob notes))))
      (string-number-interface .
        ,(lambda (trans grob source)
           (set! stringnumbers (cons grob stringnumbers)))))
       ;; once the acknowledging stage has finished,
       ;; process the grobs we've found
      . ,(lambda (trans)
           (for-each (lambda (note)
             (for-each (lambda (strnum)
               (let* ((event (event-cause note))
                      (pitch (ly:event-property event 'pitch))
                      (nr (ly:event-property (event-cause strnum) 'string-number)))

                     (display "The event ")
                     (display " has pitch: ")
                     (display pitch)
                     (display "and string number events: ")
                     (display nr)
                    (display " \n"))
             ) ;; end lambda (strnum)
             );; end lambda notes
      . ,(lambda (trans)
                 (set! notes '())
                 (set! stringnumbers '()))))))

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists \test_engraver

test = \relative c'{
  c4\4 d\2 < e\2\harmonic > < d\3 g\2>
%\displayMusic { \test }
%\displayMusic { c\4 }
\new Voice { \test }
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