
> \new Staff <<
>   \new Voice { \voiceOne f'2. }
>   \new Voice { \voiceTwo c'2. }
>   \new Voice { \voiceFour c'2 ( g4 ) }
> >>

One needs both \new Voice and \voiceFour to make it work.

\relative c' << f2. \\ << c2. \new Voice { \voiceFour c2( g4) } >> >>

In reality the music is longer, hence I only use the << c2. \new Voice {
\voiceFour c2( g4) } >> part.

> I'd also consider writing this in the following manner:
> \new Staff <<
>   \new Voice { \voiceOne f'2. }
>   \new Voice { \voiceFour c'2~ ( <c' g>4 ) }
> >>

Which is the alternative I did not want to use, or similar in notation

\relative c' << f2. \\ { \voiceTwo c2( c4) } \\ { \voiceTwo c2( g4) } >>

> Hope this helps,

Indeed. Thank you


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