On Sep 21, 2011, at 1:53 AM, Trevor Daniels wrote:

> <m...@apollinemike.com>
> Tuesday, September 20, 2011 8:31 PM
>> I'm working on a piece that uses a fair bit of spoken text.
>> Does anyone have any suggestions as to:
>> (1) A better way to do this; and/or
>> (2) If there is no better way, how to fix the horizontal spacing problem 
>> above?
> Mike, this might be an a more promising approach:
> <<
> \new Staff {
>  \repeat unfold 20 \skip 4
> }
> \new Lyrics
>  \with {
>    \override VerticalAxisGroup
>      #'nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing = #'((padding . -3))
>  }
> \lyricmode {
>  \skip 4 Attention4 K-Mart4 shoppers.4
>  \skip 4 Today's4 Blue4 Light4
>  special1*1/5 can1*1/5 be1*1/5 found1*1/5 in1*1/5
>  aisle4 seven.4 \skip 2
>  Aisle4 seven,4 K-Mart4 shoppers.4
> }
> \new Staff {
>  \repeat unfold 40 a'8
> }
> But being able to space a spoken phrase evenly between
> two end points would be a welcome enhancement.
> Trevor

This works very well - thanks!  I agree about you with the enhancement, but I'd 
have to mull over how that'd work with horizontal spacing.

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