Am 27.09.2011 14:20, schrieb Wilbert Berendsen:
Op Tue, 27 Sep 2011 13:46:01 +0200
Urs Liska<>  schreef:

And (according to the release notes) it still works after you have
changed the source code (the links lilypond attach to the objects
point to specific line numbers, and if the code is changed they point
to the wrong place.
Frescobaldi 2 couples the point-and-click links as soon as a PDF is
loaded to positions in the text document. If you alter the document, the
links in the PDF document stay connected with the positions in the
text document.

Frescobaldi 2 can also find objects in the PDF: if you walk with the
text cursor or select text, the corresponding objects in the PDF are
highlighted. If you press Ctrl+J, the PDF scrolls to the page where the
music at the text cursor is at.

This paves the way to more interesting capabilities, as Frescobaldi
knows what type of object a clickable link in the PDF represents (a
note, rest, slur, articulation, rehearsalmark, etc) because it
continuously parses the text as it is entered or modified. The parsed
tokens are stored, so lookup what kind of object is at some cursor
position is very fast.

(You can see this e.g. when you hover a slur in the music, Frescobaldi
highlights not only the start parenthesis of the slur in the text but
also the ending one.)

So in the future it may become possible to drag a note to a different
octave, or to draw slurs between notes by dragging, or to right-click
a slur and select "Down" or "Dashed" or whatever. All without needing
any change to LilyPond itself.


This indeed sounds very interesting. Still waiting to try out the current state though ...

I had some ideas for UI improvements for some time. I'll try to condense them to a set of concrete suggestions. Maybe they are also easier to implement when you already seem to have such a input parsing framework ... (but maybe they could already be obsolete by your enhancements ...)


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