Thanks to Kieren and David!;

Kieren MacMillan <> writes:
> Then you're doing it incorrectly -- here's the same snippet,
> using a "pseudo voice" for the dynamics:
>    \time 4/4 << { af'2*1/4 s8*3) r4 f'4 } { s8\! s8*3\> s4\! s\mp } >>   % m05

Thanks; this helps me greatly.

> 1. You don't have to (and, indeed, shouldn't) use ^\mf to attach your 
> dynamics -- if
> you want all your dynamics above the staff, you should change it globally 
> with \dynamicUp

Another great tip!

> 2. You should review your use of brackets and parentheses (note how I've 
> adjusted them in
> these snippets): they do not follow Lilypond conventions, and may produce 
> "unwanted
> consequences" someday.


> Hope this helps!

It most certainly does.  Thanks again!

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