Hi all!

After a 20+ years hiatus from LaTeX use, I've again found reasons to wet my
toes again.

I'm trying to typeset some verse with LilyPond - where the verse text
includes hyphens (endashes, or possibly emdashes), but it's not as
straightforward as I had hoped using LilyPond. Maybe someone can help.

The original verse text looks like this i LaTeX:
"Må det väckta sinnet -- värdefullt, sublimt --"

and I want those endashes to appear in the lyrics below as well. But they

Can someone help me out with this?

% set the starting point to middle C
\relative c' { c c c c c c d d d d c r }
% The -- endash:es disappear. I would like to see them between the words
"sinnet" and "värdefullt", as well as after "sublimt".

\addlyrics {Må det väck- ta sin- net -- vär- de- fullt sub- limt --  }

Kind regards,

Peter Olin
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