On 26 October 2011 23:06, J. Boor <boor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In this file:
> http://www.jboor.net/music/polyreel/poly.ly
> a second voice begins in the second measure.
> I would like there to be a tie between the last E in the first measure and
> the first e4 in the second measure. The only way that I have
> been able to do this is by beginning the polyphony earlier
> and using a skip at the beginning of the second voice.
> Is there a better way to do this? The piece doesn't really
> have two voices through out, so I don't want to litter my
> score with rests.

You can instanciate explicitly the voices, see explanations in
NR 1.5.2 Multiple voices > Single-staff polyphony > Explicitly
instantiating voices

See below how it can be done.
Actually there is an enhancement request to improve << \\ >> so it
could handle these cases better.  It is tracked as issue #1316 .

%%%% Snippet

\version "2.14.2"

global = {
  \key d \major

\score {
    \new Staff = "mandolin" \with {
      instrumentName = "Mandolin"
    } {
      \new Voice = "mandolin" {
        \relative c' {
          d8[ fis] a[ g,] d''[ d,] fis'[ e~]
              %% this is the continuation of main "mandolin" voice
              %% stems, slurs, etc. UP
              e4 fis16[ g fis8] e[ d] c[ a]
            \new Voice = "mandolinTwo" {
              %% stems, slurs, etc. DOWN

              g,8[ d'] b2.  % there was a typo here (I added 'b')!
          %% stems, slurs, etc. back to normal: NEUTRAL
          %% continuation of main "mandolin" voice
          %% etc.
  \layout {

%%%% End of snippet


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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