Hi Harm,

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 2:40 PM, harm6 <thomasmorle...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I tried to make an automated definition (first attachment) and to integrate
> it in the grow-beam-var-definition (second attachment). This feature will
> only work with kneed beams and if the directions of the first and last stem
> are different.
> But I noticed a strange behaviour: I retrieve wrong output if the
> global-staff-size is changed, or with other changes. Can you confirm this?

Perhaps it is similiar to my problem with your
> center-grob-between-definition.
> Or am I missing something or doing something wrong or ...?
I see no problems with the knee-beamed group on a single staff.  However,
running your files, exactly as you sent them, on 2.14.2, I see no
shortening of the final stem in the cross-staff examples.  Oddly enough,
when I change the global-staff-size, the last stem of the last cross-staff
group IS shortened at some sizes, but the other final stems are not
shortened at all, ever, whatever size I try.

I really have no idea what could be causing these differences between our
machines... A difference in OS?  Is this even a reasonable speculation?
 (I'm using Windows XP.)

Sorry I can't be of more help...

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