Greetings Christian,
After reading your post and the replies from Matthew Collett, David
Kastrup, and Peekay Ex, I thought I would try to simplify what I think
you're trying to do.
The following gives two lines of music, one showing a trivial example,
and the other showing my attempt to do the same thing using defined
terms for words and music. In the second part, using bar checks shows
strange values compared to those obtained in the first part. Whether
this is a symptom of the underlying problem I don't know. I don't have
any skills in programming to let me delve into that!
Note the empty bar after the lyrics in the second part.
I hope this is of some help.
\version "2.14.2"
%words and music for First score
firstwords = \lyricmode
{ " " q w e r }
melodya = \relative c'' %All the barchesks give 1/1, as expected
a1 |
b4 b4 a4 b4 |
e,1 |
f1 |
g2 a |
\score { %first score
\new Staff
\new Voice = singer { \melodya }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto singer \firstwords
%words and music for Second score
secondwords = \lyricmode
{ z x c v }
secondmelodya = \relative c'' %Bar checks in this section give strange,
varying values
{ a1 }
secondmelody = \relative c''
{ a4 b c a }
secondmelodyb = \relative c''
f1 |
g1 |
\score { %second score
\new Staff
\new Voice = unsunga { \secondmelodya }
\new Voice = singer { \secondmelody }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto singer \secondwords
\new Voice = unsungb { \secondmelodyb }
\layout { }
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