Carl Sorensen <c_sorensen <at>> writes:

> So, since you're not an experienced developer, how can you help?  By
> taking over bug-squad duties.  We currently have a couple of bug-squadders
> who are also developers.  If we could relieve them of their bug-squad
> responsibilities, it would make time for them to work on their other
> development projects.
> Being a bug squad member requires *no* development expertise with
> LilyPond.  You simply need to be able to use LilyPond, a web browser, and
> email.  And it only requires 20 minutes per day.  You can volunteer for
> one or two days per week, so the total time per week is less than an hour.
> If you're interested in volunteering to help keep LilyPond moving forward,
> please send an email to the Bug Meister, Phil Holmes, who is copied on
> this email.

i'll give it a try - think one or two days a week would fit!

unfortunately my laptop had its last day last night and i'll have to find a
solution (which might take a few days) 

btw, i couldn't find the mail address of Phil!


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