On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 07:05:35PM -0500, Craig wrote:
> This is the main issue with reporting such bugs with lilypond.  Let's
> say I start reducing this problematic file, I reduce the project down to
> a single file, and then the bug goes away.

Then you did a bad job of reducing it.  When constructing a tiny
example, you make the smallest possible file that still
demonstrates the problem.

> I spend hours trying to reduce the project to its point of seg
> fault.  

Sure.  That sounds fair to me -- what, you want *me* to spend
hours working on *your* file?

Somebody needs to reduce that segfault to less than 10 lines of
lilypond input.  You're more interested in this issue than I am,
and way more familiar with your symphony than me, so *I'm* not
going to spend time creating a tiny example for you.

> Hence, the issue becomes frozen.  Hence, my correlation to the American
> Banking System.  

WTF does the banking system have to do with this?

> I can't come to the list with a little information, and I can't come to
> the list with too much information.

Right.  You should come to the list with the *right amount* of
information.  And with a tiny bit of practice, it takes about 15
minutes to reach the point of "right amount" of information.

- do you see the problem if you compile the tuba part by itself?
  great, you've just eliminated 90% of your symphony.
- do you see the problem if you comment out the first half of the
  tuba part?  what about the second half?
  great, you've just cut your remanining "problem area" in half.
- repeat the process of commenting stuff out until you have 1 or 2

- now look at the notes.  You probably have some accientals in
  those 2 bars.  What happens if you remove those accidentals?
  what about slurs, articulations?  try removing all of those,
  one by one, and see if the segfault still remains.

> Let me know if you want the project.  

No, I don't want the project.

- Graham

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