Le Dec 9, 2011 à 12:30 PM, Caio Barros a écrit :

> I'm writing a part for 5 violins in divisi in which they make a glissando and 
> I want to add space between the two chords because the accidentals make it 
> looks to confusing.
> Using \override NoteColumn X-offset doesn't seems to work because at least in 
> version 2.12.3 I need to add hidden voices to make glissandi in more than one 
> note.
> this is what I got so far
> \version "2.12.3"
> \relative c' {
>   << 
>     \time 5/4
>     {\tieNeutral <des ees f g a>1^"con. sord." ~ <des ees f g a>4 ~ \time 7/4
>       <des ees f g a >4\glissando \mf \< %{I WANT TO ADD SPACE BETWEEN 
> THOSE%} <c d e fis gis>2 ~ <c d e fis gis>4. \breathe <c d e fis 
> gis>8^"pizz." <c d e fis gis>2:16  \glissando ^"arco" 
>       <des ees f g a>2.:16 \ff 
>     }
>     \\
>     { \hideNotes s1 s4 des\glissando c2 s2 c \glissando des2. } \\ { 
> \hideNotes s1 s4 ees\glissando d2 s2 d \glissando ees2. } \\
>     { \hideNotes s1 s4 f\glissando e2 s2 e \glissando f2. } \\ { \hideNotes 
> s1 s4 g\glissando fis2 s2 f \glissando g2. }
>   >>
> }

Hey Caio,

Here's some text that will help you make the glissandos longer:


Also, this type of multi-voice solution is not necessary in LilyPond version 
2.14 - chord glissandos are created automatically.

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