Hi Jakub,

2011/12/22 Jakub Pavlík <seve...@post.cz>

> In regular modern scores it is logical that the ends of a slur attach to a
> notehead or to an end of a stem, depending on the direction of stems of the
> notes connected by the slur.
> I'm typesetting chant transcriptions and make stems transparent:
> \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
> Some slurs, attached to invisible stems, then "fly high over the notes".
> Is there any way to tell LilyPond to ignore stems when making slurs and
> attach slur always to noteheads?

There are probably better ways to go about this, but this seems to work:

\version "2.15.16"

\relative c'' {
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
  \override Stem #'Y-extent = ##f
  c( a g)

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