That was a quick answer but sadly not to my question.
I did not intend to keep the markup-ting in the bass-notes because it is
clearly something which belongs to the B.c player. Already for part of the
violoncello it would be quite distracting! My markup construction was just a
makeshift prop because I had to get the thing out for the cembalo where I
marked the corresponding pieces with a black felttip to make it work. But I
thought I might as well ask for the next time. I would really like to have
an extenderline belonging to the figured bass just without to have to write
a starting figure.
(And besides I've not found how to make text-spanner thing work because I've
got no text.)


Is this what you are looking for?


That's a clumsy solution! I have always solved this problem using an underscore as the figure, which means a vertical space, i.e. an invisible figure, so only the extender line is shown:

fb = \figuremode {
  s4 <_> <_> <_> |

music = \relative c' {
  c4 c b c |

\new Score {
    \new Staff <<
      \new Voice = "FiguredBass" { \fb }
      \new Voice = "Music" { \clef "bass" \music }


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