Xavier Scheuer wrote:
On 17 January 2012 21:02, PMA<peterarmstr...@aya.yale.edu>  wrote:

Your last sentence here hits on *the* issue in my original post.
Why indeed would I...?   But it seems that, to post on ISMLP/
WIMA, one *must* commit to public-domain-like status.

I wish that was true!!

As a Free Culture supporter I hope one day these more and more
restrictive and always longer copyright laws will be "re-equilibrated".
Copyright "protection" does not *effectively* protect the author, but
rather ensure a huge money income to a few, referred as "majors" or
"publishers", *living on the back* of these authors (which, most of them,
usually are all but rich).

Do people really realize that copyright "protection" lasts almost a
century *after the death of the author* ?!

I am referring to "Free Culture" as in "Free Software", which means
allowing everyone to copy, modify, redistribute and share the culture.

So I wish IMSLP would contain and accept *only* "public-domain-like"
(or free as defined above) materials.  But it is not true.
If you read carefully the guidelines to contribute works on IMSLP, you
will see that Permitted Licenses for Original or Copyrighted
Compositions include all the Creative Commons licenses, even the ones
forbidding commercial use or modifications, but also the totally
restrictive "Performance Restricted Attribution Non-commercial No
Derivatives 1.0 (pr-by-nc-nd)" license, that forbid actually almost
every use of the work.

I was first pleased to see WIMA merge with IMSLP but then I was sad when
I saw that IMSLP made an exception and additionally allow the CC-NC and
CC-NC-SA licenses even for (Re)Typesets of *public domain works* !

I would like, of course, to find a (major, well run) public archive
without such constraints.

So you want volunteers to provide YOU *free of charge* public archive
but you are not willing to grant anyone a single right to use the work
you post on such site?

Hopefully people who invented/use free licenses, for cultural works for
instance, or people developing/contributing to free softwares such as
GNU/Linux or… LilyPond did not think the same way!


As I said in the just-previous email, I want to allow free download and
performance.  ISMLP had been described to me as analogous to a library,
to which I might contribute for such use. Clearly, if this really just means
expecting volunteers to serve me free of charge, then I've gotten the
wrong idea.

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